Each Withair® Heat Pump Installed, One More Step Towards a Greener Tomorrow !
Ultra-high energy efficiency with lower energy, life-cycle costs.
Securing a reliable, economic and sustainable energy supply as well as environmental and climate protection are important global challenges of the 21st century. Renewable energy and improving energy efficiency are the most important steps to achieve these goals of energy policy. While impressive efficiency gains have already been achieved in the past two decades, energy use and CO2 emissions in manufacturing industries could be reduced further, if best available technologies were to be applied worldwide.
Heat pumps have become increasingly important in the world as a technology to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. Industrial heat pumps (IHP) are active heat-recovery devices that increase the temperature of waste heat in an industrial process to a higher temperature to be used in the same process or another adjacent process or heat demand. In particular high temperature industrial heat pumps (IHPs) offer various opportunities to all types of manufacturing processes and operations. IHPs are using waste process heat as the heat source, deliver heat at higher temperature for use in industrial processes, heating or preheating, or for space heating and cooling in industry. They can significantly reduce fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in drying, washing, evaporation and distillation processes in a variety of applications. Industries that can benefit from this technology include food and beverage processing, forest products, textiles, and chemicals.
The introduction of heat pumps with operating temperature below 100 °C is in many cases considered to be easy, however, higher temperature application still require additional R&D activities for the development of high temperature heat pumps, integration of heat pumps into industrial processes and development of high temperature, environmentally sound refrigerants.
Withair’s high temperature heat pump water heater, using the principle of the heat pump, draws heat from the ambient air or low temperature water through the thermodynamic cycle, then transfers the heat to the condenser through the compressor, and finally recurrently heats the water of the water tank to the required temperature. During the operation of the unit, there is no gas emission, it is environment-friendly and energy-saving. It can not only completely achieve water and electricity separation but eliminate the dangers like flammable, explosive, electric shock, poisoning, etc. that a traditional water heater may have. It adopts modular design, has flexible combination and strong expansion, and can heat all day long, the temperature of the water can be adjusted freely. Commercial hot water heater can be widely applied in the central heat supply of guesthouses, hotels, hospitals, schools, bathing centers and district and the factory hot water.
The projects include an industrial hot water project, hotel hot water project, school hot water project, sauna hot water project and so on. Outlet hot water temperature can set from 55℃~122℃ as user requirement, so it is widely using home radiator heating by 65℃, 75℃, 80℃, 90℃ and 122℃ hot water for industry heating use --like a factory, textile, printing, and dying, military industry, steam line, ironing, explosive, medicine high-temperature sterilization line, oil drilling and so on. Suitable for high temperature hot water project and cold area heating project.
Withair® high temperature heat pump mainly uses electricity, but electricity is only used to drive heat pump system to absorb heat from outside environment. And then the heat is released to heat. Unlike conventional electric heaters, which directly use one-degree electricity to form 860 large calories, the experiment proves that the heat from the same one-degree electricity absorbed from outside for the heat pump system is four bits of 860 calories, so the electricity used is only 1/4 of the electric heater. A simple analogy: a heat pump can use an electric energy to absorb 2-3 free heat from the environment, then use this heat energy for heating, and the electrical energy is also used for heating. The experiment will eventually make the heat efficiency up to 300-500%.
No matter your application, there’s a Withair® ultra-high temperature heat pump that’s right for you !
State of The Art Features